Friday, 10 March 2017

Endless Arguments

Some Arguments are Endless.They are just for wasting your time and energy.No one is capable to win an Endless Argument because everyone have egos.So don't waste your time and talent in endless arguments.More better for you to realize all endless arguments and got yourself out from it just for having a stressfree life.Just move on to endless arguments.

Sunday, 29 January 2017

United States of World

Why there are multiple countries in the world,why we don't live in one world and have citizenship of the world.We should be able to go anywhere in the world without restrictions and the military should fighting to real terrorists,thugs and criminals not to other country military for egoistic politicians.From centuries to centuries creepy politicians are diving us for their own profit.They never want world be united.Only hope is that people choosing wisely and voting smart.You think it is only an election but it is the matter of millions of lives.